What I’m Looking Forward to in 2024

What I’m Looking Forward to in 2024

Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed a lovely holiday and some well-deserved relaxation. I’m lucky enough to work somewhere that closes the office between Christmas and New Year’s Day – it’s the perfect time to recharge!

Looking forward, I’m excited for my 2024 plans. There are a lot of things, big and small, that I’m anticipating. The first (and biggest) is my wedding. There are still details to be ironed out, but I’m a 2024 bride?! It feels a bit surreal. I’m beyond happy to make the commitment with my partner and have our special day.

With a wedding also comes a honeymoon to plan, so I’m excited for some travel in the new year. We are currently exploring the idea of another Nashville vacation. The first time we went, we loved it. Also, there are quite a few things that we’d still like to see in the city. To name a couple: The Ryman and The Patsy Cline Museum. It feels like the kind of getaway we’d really enjoy for our honeymoon.

Aside from the major events, I do have goals on my mind for the year. Fitness-related goals are near the top of my list. It feels like a cliché resolution to say, “I want to live a healthier lifestyle,” but I believe it’s still important. I’ve had a fairly consistent workout routine, but this year, I want to push myself outside of my comfort zone. I’m planning to take more workout classes with weight-lifting components (this really intimidated me before!). In 2024, I also want to do more writing, whether it’s on this blog, guest blogs, or journaling. I find that writing helps me to focus and relax. Something about all of the words on a page provides clarity.

2023 was a big year – I got engaged, moved apartments, and learned lots (in and outside of work). Thank you for everything, 2023. Let’s get started, 2024!

What are you looking forward to in 2024? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments or on Instagram. Let’s chat!

Celebrating 4 Years of Blogging

Celebrating 4 Years of Blogging

If you’ve been here since the beginning of my blog, then you’ve been a reader for 4 years! Cheers to that!

Each blogiversary, I like to look back on the content of last year and see the places and things I wrote about. As I look back this year, I see some of the mini-trips that I experienced. I enjoyed bringing you along on my Sheboygan, Door County, and Fox Valley adventures. I also see posts featuring some of my favorite local coffee shops in Green Bay and De Pere. Content that’s close to home is what I want to continue creating!

I’m grateful I started this blog while I was in college. At that time, it gave me a creative outlet in between writing papers, part-time jobs, and attending class. Now, with a full-time career, I still appreciate this space that I can come to and create. It’s a place where I can express myself through writing and share the experiences and things that are special to me.

Little did I know the people and opportunities you get to know through committing some words to a website! During this past year of blogging, I’ve continued collaborating with Goodwill NCW on thrifting content and even got to cover a concert at the EPIC. It has been great to partner with brands that I admire, and I’m excited to see what opportunities may come this next year.

Thank you for being a part of my blogging journey! I look forward to chatting with you soon in the next post!

What would you like to see in year five? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments or on Instagram. Let’s chat!

Tips to Achieve Beachy Waves

Tips to Achieve Beachy Waves

Looking back on my 4 Tips for Beachy Waves blog post, I realize that there are more tricks to share! As I’ve continued to collaborate with Beachwaver, I’ve continued to get questions about achieving the “Insta-worthy” look. The reels on Beachwaver’s Instagram page show stunning before and afters, but it takes a bit more than 30 seconds to really transform your mane. Also, it takes a little experimentation to see what works best for your hair. If you’re thinking, “How can I get my hair to look like that?!” read on for some tips to try!

Set your heat to accommodate your hair type. The temperature of your tool will impact if your hair holds a nice curl or falls flat. If you have coarse hair, you’ll likely need a higher temperature. If you have fine hair, you’ll likely be okay with a lower temperature. It’s a good idea to test out some different temperatures and see what works best for you. Also, don’t forget to use a heat protectant!

Section your hair when you curl it. Without sectioning, you may notice a lack of volume in your final look. I personally like to curl my hair in three horizontal layers starting at the bottom. This helps me to curl all of my hair, not just my top layer. Darby clips are great for holding layers back as you do your hair.

Use an appropriate barrel size for your hair length. Generally, the shorter your hair is, the smaller the barrel size you will need. The opposite is also true. Yet, even with longer hair, I sometimes like to use a small barrel size for extra-bouncy waves. I think it’s a good idea to experiment with different sizes to see which suits you best.

Set your final look. In my initial blog post on this topic, I suggested finishing your hair with hair spray. This is still a perfect option, but you may want something more. If you are seeking more volume, try a texture spray. If you still need to control some frizz, use a smoothing cream (Beachwaver’s Keep It Calm is my favorite).

I’d love to hear if these tips work for you! Do you have any other hair care questions? Let me know in the comments or on Instagram. Let’s chat!

P.S. In this blog, I have affiliate links for you to shop if you’d like. Code MEGANRWAVE will give you 10% off of your order. Using my code doesn’t cost you a thing. I make a commission, and you save some money. It’s a win-win!

Taking Control of Your Authenticity

Taking Control of Your Authenticity

A little while back, I had the opportunity to hear Mariana Atencio speak during a women’s leadership event at my alma mater. She’s an award-winning journalist, best-selling author, and she has a lot to say about the topic of authenticity. Something that stuck with me the most from her speech was a series of 7 steps that she explained as “the control framework.” She designed it to help deal with uncertainty and take control of authenticity.

I think many of us find ourselves in situations where it may seem easier to just bend to fit a mold than to be our authentic selves. Her speech served as a great reminder of why “faking it” doesn’t actually benefit anyone. So, if you’re ready to take control, here are some steps to consider:


Mariana describes this first step as identifying what you’re leaving at the door. If you aren’t being your whole self when you walk into a room, what’s missing? What parts of yourself are you covering up or hiding? Think about what you can do to let these parts of yourself shine.


When you’re not being your authentic self, are you giving in to some type of external or internal pressure? It’s important to identify your frame of reference and whose lens you’re choosing to view yourself through.


Consider the people that you surround yourself with. Personally, I find this step to be a big one. There’s a saying that you are the average of the 5 people that you spend the most time with. To some extent, I do believe this to be true. I think it’s important to surround yourself with individuals that make you happy, that motivate you, and that embrace who you are.


As Mariana says, being inauthentic is hard work. It can waste a lot of your time trying to be someone that you’re not. Instead, invest time into yourself and develop who you actually are.


Think about your habits and your routines. Do they serve you well? If not, make adjustments. If so, think about how you can enhance them.


I view opportunity as finding the spaces where you can thrive. Look for opportunities that align with who you are and what you care about. These are things that will make you feel electric.


Last but certainly not least, you gotta love the authenticity journey and your true self. Taking control of your authenticity is all about caring for yourself in all aspects of your life.

How will you take control of your authenticity? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments or on Instagram. Let’s chat!

Coffee Shops You Need to Visit in De Pere, WI

Coffee Shops You Need to Visit in De Pere, WI

In my last blog post, I shared six coffee shops in Downtown Green Bay. Downtown De Pere also has some great local stops to get your caffeine fix. In this blog, I will cover a few of my favorites, but I know there’s still more of De Pere that I need to explore! If you have any favorite coffee shops in the area, leave me a comment at the end of this post.

Luna Cafe

This is one of my favorite spots to grab brunch. They feature different daily sandwiches and wraps, so there’s guaranteed to be something new to try. The De Pere location is nice and cozy. It’s a great spot for getting some stuff done on your laptop or meeting up with friends. My go-to order here switches between a lavender honey latte or an iced americano with a splash of milk.

The Exchange

The best way to describe this coffee shop is aesthetic. It’s very industrial, with lots of wood, black, metal, and gold furniture and decor. I always enjoy their honey lattes (with almond milk) and their avocado toast. Speaking of their avocado toast, it’s not what you would typically expect. The base that would usually be bread is swapped out with a bubble waffle. My first impression was a bit skeptical, but after tasting it, I was a fan.

One piece of advice if you visit this shop on the weekend: get there early! It can get pretty busy, and it can be difficult to find a table. But it’s worth it.

Tazza Italian Coffee Co.

With exposed brick and greenery, this coffee shop is also very cute. I love this cafe for their seasonal flights. They have latte flights, hot chocolate flights, and even lemonade flights. Their latest round of lemonade flights features lavender, strawberry rose, hibiscus, and honey jasmine flavors. It was delicious, so try it while you can!

Starbucks At Home: How-To Make the Honey Citrus Mint Tea

Starbucks At Home: How-To Make the Honey Citrus Mint Tea

One of my favorite cozy-time drinks is the Honey Citrus Mint Tea from Starbucks. You may also know this drink by its nickname, Medicine Ball. I find this tea so soothing when I need a little pick-me-up or a drink to cuddle up with. It’s the kind of drink that I like to have especially during snowy or rainy days. It tastes fruity, tart, and extremely refreshing. The best part? It’s super easy to make at home!

Seriously, you don’t have to be a barista to successfully make this beverage. Plus, you can most likely find everything you need to make it at your local Target.

Here’s what you’ll need:

Step 1: Heat up a cup of equal parts water and lemonade

You don’t have to be too scientific with the measurements here. I typically just grab a mug and fill it halfway with lemonade and then fill the rest with water. I microwave it for about 60-90 seconds. You can heat this mixture over the stove as well; it just takes a little longer.

Step 2: Add honey to your mug

After the water and lemonade mixture is heated, I stir in a bit of honey. I use about a teaspoon. If you prefer sweeter tea, add extra honey. If you want it more tart, add less honey.

Step 3: Add one of each tea bag to steep

It’s the mix of 1 Peach Tranquility tea bag and 1 Jade Citrus Mint tea bag that really gives you the delicious sweet yet minty flavor. I like to let these tea bags steep for about 3-5 minutes.

Step 4: Enjoy

Once your tea is done steeping, you can remove the tea bags or leave them in for continued diffusion. Then, all that’s left to do is enjoy your drink!

What’s your favorite Starbucks drink? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments or on Instagram. Let’s chat!

Preparing for Small Business Saturday in Green Bay, WI

Preparing for Small Business Saturday in Green Bay, WI

The gift-giving season is approaching: are you ready?

If not, no worries! I’m just preparing too. This year, my goal is to be more intentional with my holiday shopping and actually plan ahead.

Small Business Saturday is coming up on November 26th, and Downtown Green Bay has lots of deals. Not only can you get some gift shopping done, but you may even win a treat for yourself. When you shop small at participating businesses in Green Bay, you can enter to win a staycation prize package! You can check out the details here. I think it’s a great incentive to support your favorite local spots.

To prepare for Small Business Saturday, I looked through all of the deals and created my own list of places to stop. This list features some of my favorites and some places that I am excited to explore more. Read on for some great deals and personalized recommendations.

Daily Buzz Espresso Bar, White Dog, and Fox Harbor are all offering deals on gift card purchases (check out the details here). Daily Buzz is also offering 20% off all food and drink on Small Business Saturday! So, it’ll be the perfect first stop of your shopping journey. I plan on fueling up with a seasonal latte and their delicious bodega breakfast sandwich (with vegan bacon).

Cockloft Vintage is offering a free vintage mug when you spend $25. This shop has a beautifully curated selection of vintage clothing, accessories, and home items.

LoCo WisCo will have 20% off storewide with the exclusion of 10% off alcohol. They have lots of locally crafted goods and plenty of WI/Green Bay themed items. I’ve only stalked them on social media, but I’m looking forward to checking out their shop.

Lion’s Mouth Bookstore is offering a free Lion’s Mouth mug when you spend $50. If you have a bookworm on your shopping list, stop here!

A Bag Lady will have 20% off all items. I always have fun shopping for accessories at this glittery boutique. You can expect to find tons of jewelry options, a variety of purses, and a nice selection of clothing.

Beerntsen’s Candies will have 10% off all items. All I can say is YUM. I’m sure I’ll buy gifts here that I’ll have to resist eating.

Kavarna & Glas Coffeehouse will be offering buy-one-get-one 50% off bags of coffee. Here’s a great opportunity to treat yourself or a coffee lover in your life.

Captain’s Walk Winery is giving you a chance to win with your purchase. Every $5 spent will be an entry to win a Captain’s Walk gift card. Small Business Saturday will be the perfect opportunity to stock your wine racks.

Titletown Brewing Company is offering buy-one-get-one tap beer. In case you need a spot for kicking back to wrap up your day of shopping, here you go!

Want more spots to shop locally? Check out the full listing here.

Where will you be shopping on Small Business Saturday? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments or on Instagram. Let’s chat!

Cheers To Year 3 of Blogging

Cheers To Year 3 of Blogging

Here’s to another blogaversary! MeganRoshak.com just turned three years old today.

Before starting this annual post, I looked back at what I wrote for year one and two of blogging. It was interesting to open up the digital time capsule and see what I was thinking and feeling at those times. The posts still resonate with me, yet I know so much has changed for me personally from the time those were written to now.

When I wrote about year one of blogging, I was still in college. When I wrote about year two of blogging, I was just getting into the groove of post-grad life. Now, I’d say that I have more of my ish together. I don’t mean to say that I have it all together because that’s just not true, but I feel good about the place that I’m at.

During year three of the blog, you may have noticed some changes too:

  • I had the opportunity to share way more experiences and dabbled in travel blog posts. My trip to Nashville inspired me to write about travel and capture memories as well as recommendations.
  • I shared a couple of new Q&A posts with people/brands I admire. For our mostly female community, I found Victoria Lyons’ story especially important to share. I’m glad I had the opportunity to speak with her about her female-first condom brand, Slipp.
  • I brought you to my home in Wisconsin through a few posts. If you find yourself in Madison or Green Bay, you may recognize some of my favorite places.

In year four, I want to continue sharing adventures on the blog: big and small. You can also expect Q&A posts from time to time with lifestyle and fashion content in the mix. As always, if there’s anything that you’d like to see, you can let me know! I appreciate your ideas and input.

Thank you for following along and celebrating year three with me; I’m happy you’re here!

What would you like to see in year four? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments or on Instagram. Let’s chat!

Thrifting at the 2022 Fall Shop Hop in Green Bay, WI

Thrifting at the 2022 Fall Shop Hop in Green Bay, WI

Over the weekend, I enjoyed exploring a variety of resale and consignment shops in the Green Bay area. There were quite a few shops on the 2022 Fall Shop Hop list that I had never visited. It was great to discover local businesses to shop for pre-loved clothing, accessories, furniture, decor, and more!

I began my Shop Hop journey at Three Lil Birds. This shop had lots of home decor as well as clothing. If you are in the market for second-hand designer purses, this is the place to go. They had lots of Dooney and Bourke and Coach bags. Three Lil Birds also had a big selection of Harley Davidson gear (including boots, shirts, leather jackets, belts, pants, etc.).

Next, I visited Uniquely Yours Antiques. This shop had lots of home decor items. I loved the teacup candles that one booth was selling. Another item that caught my eye was a wooden croquet set (if I had a yard, this would’ve come home with me).

Wonderland Vintage Market was a short stroll away from Uniquely Yours. This shop featured decor, collectibles, antiques, and some vintage clothing booths.

I loved when I found a Beavis figurine at Wonderland, but the booth that stood out to me the most was BLK & WHT. All of the prints were so fun and gorgeous. I adored the drinkware, the gold decor items, and the overall vibe of the booth. I will have to revisit it.

One of my favorite shops, the Green Bay ReStore, was on the Shop Hop route. This place has been my go-to for furniture and frames since I moved into my current apartment. I always enjoy looking around the ReStore to see what’s new.

Across the street from the ReStore is The Mixed Basket. They have lots of home decor items, as well as some larger furniture pieces. You can also depend on The Mixed Basket for unique glassware and drinkware.

The last shops I made it to were the Allouez Cottage and Interior Motives. Allouez Cottage offers a unique shopping experience since it’s an old house that was turned into a vintage shop. They had decor, some clothing, and other vintage finds. Interior Motives had lots of larger furniture pieces and upscale home decor. They also had perfect candles for fall, along with a large selection of Berres Brothers Coffee.

I didn’t make it to all of the shops on the Fall Shop Hop list over the weekend, but I’m happy to explore more another time! If you are in Green Bay, I encourage you to do the same. We have so many unique small businesses to shop and support!

Where is your favorite resale store? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments or on Instagram. Let’s chat!

A Few Summer Concerts & Outfits

A Few Summer Concerts & Outfits

August has been a month full of live music! I couldn’t imagine a better way to wrap up summer.

Back in June, I wrote a blog post with Goodwill NCW that covered four thrifted concert looks and discussed the beginning of the festival season. In the post, I talked a bit about attending an Eric Church concert, a Jason Derulo concert, and Freedom Country Festival. It feels like it was just yesterday since the piece was published, but I’ve been to three more concerts since then.

Early in August, I saw 3OH!3 perform in Green Bay’s Titletown District. I have to admit that I listened to them quite a bit in middle and early high school, so it was cool to see them live. Yes, I fangirled when they played “Don’t Trust Me.” I wore a “black dress with the tights underneath,” (*wink, wink*) paired with a black denim jacket and faux snakeskin booties.

Last weekend, I saw Oliver Tree perform at The Rave in Milwaukee, WI. His openers were Huddy and Jawny. The whole show was incredible, energizing, and engaging. If Oliver Tree is ever in your area, go to the show! Just be prepared for lots of jumping up and down and screaming. Also, be prepared to join in on a few chants. Did I mention that Oliver also likes to open up the mosh pit? Oh, and he has a cow statue and other props handy. It’s an absolute blast.

For this show, I went for a casual yet accessorized look. I threw on some white tennies and a white tank with my black denim shorts and jacket. I brought my completely bedazzled purse along and put on a fuzzy black bucket hat. With how warm the venue got, I definitely could’ve left my jacket in the car; but hey, fashion over function.

Last night, I attended the “Sounds of Nashville” show at the Green Bay Botanical Gardens. This concert was unique since it featured a few country songwriters. JT Harding and the Warren Brothers played #1 country songs that they wrote. You may know the song “Alone With You” performed by Jake Owen or Blake Shelton’s hit, “Sangria.” Well, those were both written by JT Harding! The Warren Brothers wrote Chris Young’s “Sober Saturday Night,” Toby Keith’s “Red Solo Cup,” and more (of course)!

This concert was also unique because the songwriters shared stories of how the country hits came to be. They shared a bit about their journeys as artists as well. It was a very relaxed, conversational, and good show.

For this concert, I kept my outfit country with my tall black cowboy boots and a little black dress. I can’t wait for another excuse to break these boots out.

I think that’s a wrap on concerts for me this summer, but I’m excited to see what fall may bring for events!

Do you have any upcoming concert plans? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments or on Instagram. Let’s chat!